Operational Twins for business efficiencies
A digital twin is a virtual representation of any physical object, process or service. By pairing our physical reality with a digitised system, scenarios can be tested, key components can be monitored, and possible issues can be spotted before they become problems. What’s more new ideas and processes can be tested before going live.
Digital twins can prevent issues arising, expose more efficient ways of working and reveal opportunities that may be difficult to spot in a real-world situation.
Working like a bridge between the physical world and virtual one, digital twins rely on a range of sensors to pull information from actual objects and inform the digital one. The data is analysed against business information and other relevant facts to produce insights and a better understanding of the real-world object.
Any physical object can have a digital twin created for it. The data that is generated by the physical object and fed into the virtual representation of it creates multiple opportunities to optimise and iterate for continual progress. It’s this rich data that is the key to digital twins and the massive opportunity they present for businesses of all kinds.
buildingTWIN™ allows management of buildings in a single environment, whereby whole of life management can occur, from design development to operational BIM post construction, to people flow in 2D or 3D. Understand how your building is being used for dynamic placemaking.
Operations Twin for critical control tower operations to provide analytical and visual representations of what is going on across the entire manufacturing process from one central control tower. From design to production and distribution, our operational digital twin is able to simulate each part of the process it has been designed to mirror and help operations in real-time.
A factory wide Digital Twin for plant operations that can provide visual and analytical representations of what is going on across the entire plant from a central control tower. Scenario testing, trialling tweaks to designs and risks can be spotted before they effect real-world plant or products.
Start with Digital Transformation of your processes to make them efficient and resilient. Or develop the gold standard by simulating the entire supply chain cycle with live data feeds and employing analytical capabilities, insights into areas of risk, uncertainty and optimisation can be identified and acted upon – before they become problematic.
Ports are one of the most complex and influential links in world logistics, with many processes and operations contributing to national and international economies, simply by virtue of the vast amount of cargo. Trialling new innovations in order to improve efficiencies is difficult at best when ports run 24/7. This is where Digital Twin of ports can assist immensely.